By now, you have undoubtedly heard the hype about Keto (AKA the ketogenic diet.) Low-carb diets are trending harder than ever.
You may be interested in giving the diet a try, but maybe you aren’t sure where to begin.
If you are a carb-oholic, the very idea of cutting out your favorite foods may be intimidating and even a bit confusing.
You might even be wondering what you could possibly be eating without grains, legumes, most fruits, and all your favorite junk food!
In this article, you will get a 14-day keto meal plan that can be used at any time.
Since a full keto cycle takes 28 days, feel free to repeat this 14-day keto challenge once you are finished with it, and you will be at your ultimate keto-adapted weight and body mass index.
NuTrail — Keto Granola, Biscuits, Bread and Baking Mixes
Going keto is easy with our 14-day keto meal plan. Don’t worry about what you will eat or whether or not you are creative in the kitchen.
We have every meal for two whole weeks planned out for you. Did you know that you can adapt most of your carb-heavy favorites to fit the keto diet?
If you can commit to a 14-day keto challenge, you will see drastic results.
Better yet, if you can do the two weeks twice consecutively, you can complete a full 28-day cycle!
Before we get into the details of our keto diet meal plan, we want to make sure you understand what you are doing and why.
Keto is short for ketogenic.
When you eat a ketogenic diet, you are inducing something called “ketosis” within your body.
In normal circumstances, your body fuels itself from glucose. (Glucose is a saccharide, which is a fancy word for “sugar.”) All grains, alcohols, and all carbohydrates become glucose in your metabolic system.
Even protein, when consumed in excess, will be metabolized as glucose.
With the keto diet, the goal is to induce a shifting of gears in your metabolism so that your primary fuel and energy source is not glucose but fat instead.
Fat takes longer than glucose to metabolize, so when your meal is mostly comprised of fat, you will feel fuller for longer. You will therefore need to consume less to maintain your energy levels.
If your body is feeding itself off a glucose intake, you will never tap into your fat reserves (hello love handles, saddlebags, and jelly belly, we are talking to you).
So, the goal with the keto diet is to consume 75% fat, 20% protein, and a mere 5% carbohydrates, which will likely be fulfilled by eating vegetables.
There will really be no allowance for bread, pasta, pizza, or the like when you follow a proper keto diet.
The result is the state of ketosis, where your body produces ketones and is fueled by fat for energy.
While it may be tough to say goodbye to Pad Thai, the deal will be sweetened by a departure of your excess fatty bits as an incentive.
NuTrail — Keto Granola, Biscuits, Bread and Baking Mixes
Why 14 days? Well, the answer is two-fold. Firstly, a full keto cycle is 28 days.
After staying 100% true to the keto diet for 28 days, you should be able to achieve your optimal keto-adapted weight.
The second reason is that a 14-day keto meal plan is two whole weeks of food ideas. That should be enough to keep your taste buds happy, and you won’t be too overwhelmed in the kitchen with meal prepping.
So, what do you say? Can you commit to a 14-day keto challenge? Bonus, can you do it twice in a row and complete the full 28 days to keto success? If your answer is yes, read on.
Before we divulge the 14-day keto meal plan, you need to know about a few keto diet staples (read: lifestyle…actually, read: cult).
First and foremost, you will need to level up your coffee game.
Because you, my friend, will be intermittent fasting, and instead of breakfast, you will be drinking bulletproof coffee.
What is bulletproof coffee?

Well, first, you will brew your coffee as you usually do (although we are fans of using a French press. It makes the perfect amount for a pot of bulletproof.)
Then you will pour the brewed coffee into a blender and add three scoops of ghee (clarified butter, available at most health food stores) and three tablespoons of MCT oil (also available at health food stores and even some regular chains, including Walmart).
Blend it all until your coffee is frothy. Drink and enjoy! The added fats in this concoction will keep you feeling full for the morning and help with your intermittent fasting effort.
The next staple that we consider a must-know if you are going keto is fat bombs.
NuTrail — Keto Granola, Biscuits, Bread and Baking Mixes
They are essentially bite-sized portion snacks that are almost all fat. They can be made in any number of ways, depending upon your preferences.
There are a bajillion recipes online for any keto fat bomb you can imagine (cookie dough, cheesecake, pizza, etc.). Google “keto fat bomb recipe” followed by any of your favorite foods, and you will find a way to make a fat bomb in that flavor.
The premise with fat bombs is that these bite-sized delights will ward off hunger and keep you feeling full and fueled.
In preparation for your easy keto meal plan, we recommend pre-making a big batch with enough fat bombs for a week.
Lastly, before we get into the 14-day keto challenge, you are probably wondering about alcohol and whether it is allowed.
Here’s the deal — alcohol in its pure state doesn’t necessarily kick you out of ketosis. Adding in sugary mixers and chasers absolutely will.
That doesn’t give you a pass to consume tequila sodas in excess.
When your body is metabolizing alcohol, it will not metabolize anything else, so if your goal with keto is to lose weight, alcohol will not help you achieve that.
You can have one drink here or there if it is either pure (as in, a shot), or mixed with soda water.

- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: Chicken Caesar salad (hold the croutons)
- Snack: fat bomb (recipe of your choice)
- Dinner: Loaded Cauliflower (intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: Avocado toast with a hardboiled egg. (This requires prepping NuTrail, Low Carb Keto Bread in advance.)
- Snack: fat bomb (recipe of your choice)
- Dinner: Chicken breast, sundried tomatoes, olives, basil, garlic, and fresh mozzarella over zucchini noodles, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: 2 eggs (however you like them), with a size of bacon and avocado.
- Snack: fat bomb (recipe of your choice)
- Dinner: keto pizza. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: Keto Nut Granola (choose your own flavor) with a Two Good Greek Yogurt cup, drizzled with a spoonful of MCT oil and a spoonful of chia seeds.
- Snack: Keto Cheesy Savory Snack MixDinner: Easy Taco Lettuce Wraps. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: egg salad sandwich on NuTrail, Low Carb Keto Bread.
- Snack: pork rinds (we LOVE these jalapeno cheddar flavored ones!)
- Dinner: keto lasagna. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: cobb salad with ranch dressing
- Snack: fat bomb (recipe of your choice).
- Dinner: keto chicken cordon bleu meatballs over zucchini noodles. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: keto chicken salad
- Snack: fat bomb (recipe of your choice)
- Dinner: keto spinach artichoke chicken. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: Tangy keto broccoli salad
- Snack: pork rinds (check out these barbecue chipotle flavored ones!)
- Dinner: Keto Thai chicken lettuce wraps. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: charcuterie board (compile your favorite meats, cheeses, olives, and pickles on a board with mustard for dipping).
- Snack: fat bomb (recipe of your choice)
- Dinner: keto chicken pot pie with cauliflower crust. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: keto smoked salmon filled avocados
- Snack: hardboiled egg
- Dinner: keto fathead pizza with chorizo and salsa. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: keto poppers
- Snack: string cheese
- Dinner: keto barbecue ribs. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: keto cloud bread BLT
- Snack: fat bomb (recipe of your choice)
- Dinner: Caveman chili. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: portobella bun burger
- Snack: seaweed snacks
- Dinner: steak with keto mushroom stroganoff. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
- Breakfast: bulletproof coffee (intermittent fast)
- Lunch: keto crunchy Thai chicken salad bowl
- Snack: salami slices
- Dinner: Creamy Tuscan garlic chicken. (Intermittent fast after dinner, until lunch the following day.)
Bring on the 14 day keto challenge!
NuTrail — Keto Granola, Biscuits, Bread and Baking Mixes
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